Tuesday, April 1, 2014

#14: 10 Days Veggie - COMPLETE

So I may or may not have almost eaten bacon 3 times in the last ten days...bacon is too good people. These 10 days were not a challenge beyond that. I made sure to plan my meals (maybe over-bought on the veggies at Trader Joe's on the first of the 10 days!!), and just followed in the footsteps of my lovely roommate Jamie! I learned that what I knew about being a vegetarian was very limited. Had no idea there were differences in the type of vegetarian you can be other than if you eat fish you are a Pescetarian! I guess I followed the lacto-ovo vegetarian diet, because (let's be real) giving up bacon is tough enough, goat cheese and fried eggs is a whole new level.

First Meal: Fried egg, goat cheese, and roasted asparagus on ciabatta :)

My two days that were the hardest were both Sundays. First Sunday I went to a new brewery in town, Station 26, to attend their Bluegrass Brunch where they had doughnuts and a BBQ truck and released a new brew - Coffee Vanilla Cinnamon Porter. The one doughnut I was eyeing was Maple Bacon, so that was out, and then I wanted to get a side of baked beans, but that also was cooked with bacon :-/ I survived of course. Ended up spending less money. And maybe saved a calorie or two ;)

Station 26 Brewing Co. - Bluegrass Brunch

The next Sunday I was invited to my Aunt and Uncle's house for a BBQ and, although I had lots of delicious veggie options (which I ate and was very stuffed), I still wanted to have the chicken kebabs and hot sausage...#firstworldproblems.

I think that what I learned is if I were more committed to the cause of being a vegetarian, I could most certainly do it. But since I just don't get weirded out by eating things attached to a bone, I will stick with my occasional steak, chicken, and BBQ but realize I get plenty of protein and satisfaction out of a vegetarian lifestyle - so maybe just plan more veggie meals throughout the week and save the meat for eating out :)

Thanks for following along on my 30 Before 30 ride and I will leave you with this Buzzfeed devoted to all things bacon:  17 Mouthwatering Bacon-Wrapped Snacks :)

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